French Brioche recipe
How do you start your day in the best possible mood?
With this delicious homemade brioche on your breakfast table. This incredible crumb will make you melt with pleasure.
Just sweet enough with the pearl sugar on the top, this recipe could be eaten just like that, with some jam or chocolate spread.
2 brioches
Prep time:
Cook time:
Resting time:
About this Recipe
We need to come back far away to discover when the brioche was created. This recipe was created in Normandie during the 16th century. It comes from this region, which is well known for its quality butter. After that, it was diffused in all the country and modified a little bit by each region of France.
You could find different shape or flavor as :
- The braid from the Vendée region
- Parisian brioche, which is composed of two balls on the top of each other (the top one is smaller than the bottom one)
- An orange blossom water flavor from the Dauphiné
- The “Kouglof”

- The crown one, from the South of France (Provence) which is well known at the beginning of the year at the same time as the Galette for the Epiphany day
- 4 + 1/4 cup (500g) of all-purpose flour
- 1/3 cup + 1tbsp (80g) of sugar
- 1/2 tbsp (8g) of salt
- 1/2 block (25g) of fresh yeast
- 2 eggs
- 3/4 cup (180g) of milk
- 7 tbsp (100g) of butter

Step by Step Instructions
Step 1
Pour in the mixing bowl of your stand mixer your salt and the flour. Add on a side the sugar, and create a hole in the center to cover a little bit the sugar in the same time. It’s important that the yeast doesn’t touch the salt or the sugar directly.
Step 2
Place in the hole the crumbled fresh yeast.
Pour the eggs on the top to create like a protection on it.
Add finally the milk, and place your bowl on your stand mixer, previously prepared with the hook tool.
Step 3
Turn on the stand mixer on low speed and when all the ingredients begin to combine, increase on medium speed.
Let it works for approximately 5 to 10 minutes until the dough begin to detached from the bowl.
Step 4
Then, low the speed, and add your butter pieces by pieces. Wait for the previous pieces to be completely included before adding the next ones.
When it’s done, let it works for another 5min to create a really nice crumb.
Your brioche is now ready to grow.
Step 5
Let it in the mixing bowl, and place on the top a dish towel to keep the warm inside.
Place your bowl in a warm space for 1h30 (it’s really important to not go over 28°C (82°F) otherwise, your butter inside the dough will melt).
Step 6
After this time, venting the dough by pressing in from the top to the bottom with your ends.
Let it cools in the fridge now, for 30min.
Step 7
Then, take it off from the bowl and divide your dough in two equal proportions. Place one aside for the moment.
Strew some flour on your worktop, and round your first portion of brioche. Take a rolling pin, and spread your dough in a rectangle form.
With a large knife, cut in three lines your rectangle (on the length).
Roll these pieces. You just create the three branch of your braid.
Braid now your brioche directly on your baking mat. When it’s done, put the two edges under the brioche to end it well.
You will do exactly the same for your second portion of brioche.
Step 8
Then, take it off from the bowl and divide your dough in two equal proportions. Place one aside for the moment.
Strew some flour on your worktop, and round your first portion of brioche. Take a rolling pin, and spread your dough in a rectangle form.
With a large knife, cut in three lines your rectangle (on the length).
Roll these pieces. You just create the three branch of your braid.
Braid now your brioche directly on your baking mat. When it’s done, put the two edges under the brioche to end it well.
You will do exactly the same for your second portion of brioche.
Step 9
Take some eggs previously whisked quickly with a fork and, with a pastry brush, brown your brioche.
It’s now the perfect time to preheat your oven at 180°C (356°F) and let aside your brioche during this time.
Step 10
When your oven is warm, brown again your brioche with some eggs, and sprinkle some pearl sugar on the top (the pearl sugar is optional).
Place your brioche in the oven and let it bakes for around 15/20min. The brioche need to be just brown on the top.
Take it off from the oven and let it cool before tasting (or if you’re like me, taste it a little bit warm because you’re too gourmand !!)

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